Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A late Scribe Post

Ahaha I was supposed to write about what happened in class on March 27, but I just had to spend my time sleeping all day on Spring Break. I made a decision to do the blog on the 2nd Saturday of Spring Break, but the blues got into me.

Summary of March 27's class:
As it was the last day before Spring Break, it was a lazy afternoon. Ms. Kozoriz gave us 3 handouts which includes: Lab Sheet, a 5-page work sheet(s), and one of those fill in the blank paragraphs. So if you were absent that day, be sure to ask Ms. K for those sheets! The Lab that we did was about Potential and Kinetic energy. Yeah about 1/4 of the class weren't present that day so I guess this was your late overview of that missed class. You didn't miss a lot of content.

See ya and good luck on the test on Monday!

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