Sunday, May 31, 2009

SCRIBE POST Thursday/Friday

I don't see anyone doing it, so I guess I'll take initiative, because I don't want to keep wishing and waiting.

From what I recall, unless I mixed up the days, Ms. K wasn't there but, Ms. K was there! Don't question that... it does, technically make sense. xD

But yes, I do believe we watched another Same-Same guy video on electromagnetic induction and had to write eight points on it and handed it in. Funny though, I could've sworn that the video was REALLY familiar. I have a feeling I watched it last sem during gr. 11 physics.

On Friday's class, we spent the first couple of minutes and filled in more blanks in the study guide and finished the Chapter 37: Electromagnetic Induction

The correct circled answers were:

1. related/
the motion of electric charges/
the motion of a magnet/
magnetic field in the loop/
electromagnetic induction

2. doubles/
electric field/
magnetic field [although baseball is acceptable xD haa]/
electromagnetic waves.

Then afterwards... we were assigned to read an information sheet regarding EMF, and to have answered most of the worksheet questions on Electromagnetic Induction by Monday. Then we sort of... dispersed into a foreign land-- the quad and had a lovely class time. We should do it again **hint hint** it's quite lovely outside. nyar.

1 comment:

Ms K said...

Thanks, Ms Initiative. I doubt the quad will be available in the near future as I think the mosquitos are on the way.